From a passerby.

Once upon a time... I don't quite know why I am writing this either. 5 years ago I've lost a muse.

Today I feel inspired. As perverse as it is, your pain brings about a sense of nostalgia; I've grown much too accustomed to. Okay I'm digressing.

Once upon a time, there lived a man in a rundown camp somewhere in a forest. A pretty pathetic existence I’d say. A bowl of rice and some fish a day at his best perhaps?

One day, while half asleep, with a storm brewing, he heard the whimpering of a small animal. He walked to look for it. Imagine how surprised he was to see an injured baby fox. He wanted to. No he felt compelled to nurse it to health.

He shared his meagre meals. God knows what other trouble he went through to get the fox up and running.

But as soon as the fox got better, as the man was asleep, he felt something bit him. And it bit him hard. Till his calves was bleeding kind of hard. What else can he do but find a stick to whack the bloody fella. But how could he? He nursed it. And it bit him not having a care in the world what he felt.

As he smacked the fox with a stick, he muttered, “You used me.”

It could be a figment of his imagination or maybe he was just crazy, but he heard.

“Is is that bad? To be useful?”

And off went the fox, away to wherever it wanted to.

As for the man, he did what he needed to. Recover. And live like nothing had happened.

Okay end of story. But this doesn’t mean we avoid being like the man and close ourselves up. Don’t be afraid of being hurt. Because at some point of our pathetic lives, we will be.

And, don't build walls anymore. Build bridges, to wherever you want to.